the history of time


written in stone

Finstone is an international vertically integrated dimensional stoneDimensional stone may be defined as large blocks of natural stone. A typical block normally is roughly 6m3, weighing between 10-18 tonnes, depending on the material’s density. The blocks may then be processed into slabs, tiles and other artifacts. holding company.

Since 1995 Finstone has become a leader in the dimensional stone industry.

Its story is timeless just like its stones. Passion, determination, resilience, resistance, time, and expertise. Since its foundation, Finstone’s prides itself in sourcing the best that mother nature has to offer.
Finstone does it all.

By quarrying in different continents, the Finstone subsidiaries can source the treasure that Mother Nature hides in the depth of its mountains, sourcing a wide array of materials.

With many new projects already in place, Finstone is expected to continue expanding within the Natural stone industry.

When purchasing any of the Group’s materials, in block, slab, tile or any other form, all our customers are sure to invest in a quality guaranteed product. Result of a production chain that starts at our quarries, includes our employee’s protection, guarantees the environmental respect, and ensure the best quality to our customers worldwide.

Finstone By Numbers: a Family-owned business

Present on 5 continents


Employees observing gender representation in senior management roles

Gender representation

The group consists of nearly 50 subsidiaries


60,000 m3 produced yearly


Over 50% of the world grey granite production


Different mining rights around the world and several quarries


Shipping worldwide
